Product code: Buy Here's everything you need for a beautiful you!
OPEN TO OFFERS Look and feel great, head to toe! Value $150. All new, never used or opened. -- Hair Care Stand: 10" flat and round brushes + mirror -- Turbo Towel: Soft head wrap; dries hair fast, hands-free -- Bath Balms: Tea rose bubble bath + tub-size, floral teabag -- Aloe-infused Sleepers: Socks (2 pr) + gloves (1 pr) soften skin as you sleep! -- Hand Creams: 4 tubes (Vanilla, Winter, Apple, Berry) nourish/soften skin -- Razor Wands: Set of 3, fast, easy stray buy hair removal; safety blade covers -- Makeup Brushes: Set of 4 - powder, blush, eye shadow, eyebrow; reusable bag -- Lip Classics: For all skin tones, 6 nutrient-rich shades - cherish, nearly nude, kiss, ice, champagne, spicy -- Clear Lipstick Holders: Set of 2, 12 slots each, for lipstick, makeup brushes -- Water Bottle: Insulated, liquid stays hot/cold longer, stainless-steel, 17oz, BPA-free -- Leather Crossbody Bag: 6"x9", inner/outer zip + outer snap pockets FOR QUESTIONS/MORE INFO, MESSAGE ME. THANKS!.
OPEN TO OFFERS Look and feel great, head to toe! Value $150. All new, never used or opened. -- Hair Care Stand: 10" flat and round brushes + mirror -- Turbo Towel: Soft head wrap; dries hair fast, hands-free -- Bath Balms: Tea rose bubble bath + tub-size, floral teabag -- Aloe-infused Sleepers: Socks (2 pr) + gloves (1 pr) soften skin as you sleep! -- Hand Creams: 4 tubes (Vanilla, Winter, Apple, Berry) nourish/soften skin -- Razor Wands: Set of 3, fast, easy stray buy hair removal; safety blade covers -- Makeup Brushes: Set of 4 - powder, blush, eye shadow, eyebrow; reusable bag -- Lip Classics: For all skin tones, 6 nutrient-rich shades - cherish, nearly nude, kiss, ice, champagne, spicy -- Clear Lipstick Holders: Set of 2, 12 slots each, for lipstick, makeup brushes -- Water Bottle: Insulated, liquid stays hot/cold longer, stainless-steel, 17oz, BPA-free -- Leather Crossbody Bag: 6"x9", inner/outer zip + outer snap pockets FOR QUESTIONS/MORE INFO, MESSAGE ME. THANKS!.